"Law students demanding change will power LAP's movement toward increased transparency, diversity, equity, and accountability. Students have an incredible opportunity to meaningfully shape the future of clerkship advising on their campuses and nation-wide." 

How Law Students Can Help

Law students are crucial stakeholders, because they are the “customers” for clerkship resources. LAP has started a clerkship transparency movement, powered by law students demanding change. By empowering law students to advocate for themselves, while also fostering beneficial clerkship experiences, LAP helps to shape the next generation of enthusiastic and effective leaders and change-makers. Transformational change is happening in the legal profession and judiciary, and it starts on law school campuses.

Here are some ways for you to get involved right now:

◆    Host (or attend) a LAP event at your law school to convey your support. LAP’s events are well-received wherever we go. Student interest in our work conveys to the administration that increasing transparency, accountability, diversity, and equity in judicial clerkships are important to students.

◆   Encourage your law school to participate in LAP’s Clerkships Database. If you believe LAP’s work would be valuable to law students like you, your administration needs to hear from you right now. Students demanding change will help power this movement. Circulate and sign a LAP student petition. Then, meet with your clerkship director and deans and explain why LAP’s Clerkships Database would be valuable to you and your peers.

◆    Circulate LAP’s post-clerkship survey. Encourage your friends – including alumni from your law school - who clerked to fill out LAP’s post-clerkship survey as well. Every survey response helps us increase transparency in the application process. Help us fill out the Database with a diversity of clerkship experiences.

◆    Join LAP’s mailing list. Sign up for our weekly newsletter, stay up to date, and receive exclusive content. 

◆    Fill out LAP’s clerkship resources questionnaire.  Let us know what you think of your school’s clerkship resources!